Private Limited Company Registration / Formation
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Lowest Tax Rate
In comparison to other entities such as Partnership or LLP, the Private Limited company enjoys the lower tax. The company may have tax rate of 22% or 25% or 30% depending upon various factors. However the Partnership or LLP have the fix tax rate of 30%.
Limited Liability
The liabilities in company are limited to the amount of investment. So in case there is any unfortunate event in the company, the shareholders can not be held to contribute or compensate the same. However the same is not in other forms of business.
A Private Limited Company is governed by The Companies Act, 2013 thus the transparency of a company is always high, making it attractive for Venture Capitalists to Invest and Others to business with.
The Company runs in perpetuity, the demise of shareholders does not affect the existence of the company, the legal owners acquires the title in shares and can continue.
By registering a Private Limited Company, one can secure its business name to be copied. It is not the Trade Mark, however if we own a company with a name, no other can register the company with the same name.
Copy of PAN Card of all proposed Directors and Shareholders
Voter ID/DL/Passport of all proposed Directors and Shareholders. In case Passport is there, the Passport should be given.
Utility Bill/ Bank Statement of all proposed Directors and Shareholders for residential proof which should not be older than two months.
Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) is required of all proposed Directors and Shareholders.
Copy of Electricity Bill for Registered address of the company
Copy of Electricity Bill for Registered address of the company
The first step is to get a name approved from MINISTERY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS.
Get the DSC prepared of all proposed director and shareholders .
Fill all the required details on the form mentioned below-
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Company is required to affix a board which contains the details such as Name of company, GSTIN(if any) , registered address, CIN, E-mail address, web address, Contact No.
One should understand the registering a Private Limited Company is great responsibility because now the Companies Act 2013 is governing it and the process does not ends after getting the Certificate of Registration, but there are compliance that needed to be followed even after the formation of the company.
Minimum no. of person is Two
Yes, it is. ITR 6 is to be filed irrespective of amount of income or loss
(Government, media, customer, shareholder, employers, suppliers, creditor)
Shareholders, give capital to a company,hold the share and own the company (Equity shareholders, preference shareholders)
It is 15%, 22%, 25%, 30% subject the certain conditions as laid down in Income Tax Act
Yes, A Non Resident or Foreigner can be appointed as director and shareholder in the Company